Some Patches Required
Some Patches Required
Licensed Games, Godzilla, and a Very Special Guest Host
Oh, hey, didn't see you come in there. Well, now that you're here, we'd like to welcome you to a very special episode of Some Patches Required! This week, we take a trip down memory lane while talking about licensed video games. What makes that so special? We're joined by a distinguished guest, Aaron's brother Danny!
He kicks things off by talking about The Godzilla Novelization Project, his insanely ambitious attempt to write unofficial, full-length adaptations of each and every Japanese Godzilla Movie. Then we move on to hard-hitting issues like the fact that Zach tried to cheese opponents using Megalon in "Godzilla Destroy All Monsters: Melee the same way Aaron did, how pretty Mothra is, and the fact that there's a tremendously terrible "Home Improvement" video game out there.
Also, this is our 10th episode, so Marc Maron can huff our shorts.
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